CSA Travel Report Form
Anyone taking students on trips to off campus locations are required to complete a Clery Act Travel Report Form if the travel meets the following Department of Education guidelines.
- Field trips:You are not required to report field trips (not overnight) at locations the University does not own or control.
- Overnight trips do not need to be reported EXCEPT if the trip is repeated every year and students stay in the same hotel every year, you must report the trip no matter how many nights you stay.
- Short-stay “away” trips: If the University sponsors short-stay “away” trips of more than one night for its students, all locations used by students during the trip, controlled by the institution during the trip (hotels and rented classroom space) and used to support educational purposes should be reported on the Travel Form. This includes study abroad programs.
- Staying at other universities: If WFU does not have an agreement for the space used, a Travel Report is not necessary.