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Under 34 CFR § 668.46(f), institutions of higher education that maintain a campus police or security department are required to post a daily crime log for property owned or controlled by the institution, streets immediately contiguous to its owned or controlled property, as well as the University Police patrol jurisdiction, also known as the Clery geography. Updates to the daily crime log must be made within two (2) business days upon receiving the report and must be made available upon request for 60 days. In addition, any institution of higher education that maintains on-campus student housing must also maintain a daily fire log. Updates to the fire log must be made within two (2) business days upon receiving the report unless that disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim and must be made available upon request for 60 days. The fire log may be combined with the daily crime log. 

Wake Forest University combines the daily crime log for incidents occurring within or immediately contiguous to Wake Forest Clery geography and the fire log for incidents that occur on university-owned or controlled property, excluding any day when the institution is closed.

2025 March Daily Crime and Fire Log

OCADate/Time ReportedDate/Time OccurredOffenseLocationDisposition
20250018503/03/2025 162501/10/2025-02/01/2025 0800-0800Hate Crime–VandalismOff Campus 2000 Block of Faculty DriveReferred to WSPD
20250018703/04/2025 202801/15/2025-03/04/2025 1000-1000LarcenyBostwick HallClosed
20250018503/03/2025 162502/28/2025-03/01/20251900-0500Hate Crime–VandalismOff Campus 2000 Block of Faculty DriveReferred to WSPD
20250017103/01/2025 171303/01/2025 1725Underage Consumption of AlcoholBostwick HallClosed Arrest
20250017703/01/2025 171303/01/2025 1910Underage Consumption of AlcoholBostwick HallClosed Dean
20250017803/01/2025 225303/01/2025 2249Communcating ThreatsParking Lot MClosed
20250018003/02/2025 132703/01/2025-03/02/2025 2200-0900 Larceny1056 Polo RoadClosed
20250019103/05/2025 152103/01/2025-03/04/2025 1130-2100Motor Vehicle TheftBetween Reynolda Hall and Manchester HallClosed
20250021003/17/2025 112203/01/2025-03/16/2025 0900-2230BurglaryMagnolia HallClosed
20250017903/02/2025 085403/02/2025 0730FireOff Campus 900 Block of Palm DriveClosed WSPD and WSFD Case
20250022403/20/2025 230503/03/2024-03/04/2025 1600-0637LarcenyDavis ChapelClosed
20250018303/03/2025 105003/03/2025 1050Possession of Marijuana ParaphernaliaKitchin HallClosed Dean
20250019003/05/2025 145803/05/2025 1230-1345Motor Vehicle TheftBetween Greene Hall and Carswell HallClosed
20250019603/06/2025 135103/06/2025 1300HazingROTC BuildingOpen
202500092S03/06/2025 225703/06/2025 2257TrespassingNear Parking Lot CClosed
20250019303/07/2025 105603/07/2025 1035-1040DisturbanceWingate HallClosed Dean
20250020603/16/2025 191603/11/2025 1433Motor Vehicle TheftOutside Johnson HallClosed
20250021703/19/2025 111103/11/2025 1800LarcenySubway RestaurantClosed Dean
20250020303/14/2025 203903/11/2025-03/13/2025 1000-2400LarcenyDavis HallClosed
20250020303/14/202503/12/2025-03/13/2025 1700-1800LarcenyDavis HallClosed
20250020003/13/2025 090003/13/2025 0900TrespassingReynolda Gardens Near Reynolda RoadClosed
20250020103/13/2025 132803/13/2025 1328Recovery of Stolen PropertyLJVM Parking LotClosed WSPD Case
20250021503/18/2025 124703/18/2025 0925LarcenyTribble HallClosed
20250021303/18/2025 110903/18/2025 1109AssaultReynolda GardensClosed
20250022003/19/2025 190003/19/2025 UnknownStalkingOn CampusClosed Title IX
20250022203/20/2025 094203/19/2025 UnknownHarassmentReynolda Hall 3rd FloorClosed
20250022603/20/2025 230003/20/2025 2248-2258BurglaryOff Campus 900 Block of Long DriveClosed WSPD Case
20250023103/21/2025 142103/21/2025 1421FireOutside of Poteat Hall Near Lot NClosed
20250023403/22/2025 011503/22/2025 0115Noise ComplaintOff Campus 3700 Block of University ParkwayClosed WSPD Case
20250024103/24/2025 205003/22/2025 0116Property DamageDeacon Place Parking LotOpen
20250023503/22/2025 015503/22/2025 0155Underage Consumption of AlcoholBabcock HallClosed Dean
20250023703/22/2025 140503/22/2025 1405Underage Consumption of AlcoholSutton CenterClosed Dean
20250023803/23/2025 194903/22/2025-03/23/2025 2055-1834Motor Vehicle Hit and RunParking Lot AUnfounded

Clery Geography

  1. For the purposes of collecting statistics on the crimes listed in paragraph (c) of this section for submission to the Department and inclusion in an institution’s annual security report, Clery geography includes
    • Buildings and property that are part of the institution’s campus;
    • The institution’s noncampus buildings and property and
    • Public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
  2. For the purposes of maintaining the crime log required in paragraph (f) of this section, Clery geography includes areas within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or the campus security department, in addition to the locations in paragraph (i) of this definition.

Non-campus Building or Property

  1. Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution or
  2. Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes is frequently used by students and is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution.

Public Property

All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks and parking facilities that are within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.