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The Police Advisory Board is comprised of faculty, staff, and students representing a cross-section of our campus community.

Its primary goal is to:

  • Serve as a connection between the campus community and the University Police
  • Seek input on matters pertaining to police service and campus safety issues
  • Function as a sounding board for the Chief of Police on various issues or concerns involving the department, campus safety, broader matters of policy and procedure, and specific incidents
  • Make recommendations to the University Police on the promotion of public awareness

Mission Statement

To achieve a greater understanding of the duties and role of the WFU Police Department in the WFU community in order to serve as a bridge of understanding between the WFU Police Department and the WFU community.

To increase the community awareness of board members among their colleagues in order to effectively represent the needs of those individuals to the WFU Police Department.

To serve as a community force to enhance public safety.

Board Information

  • The current Board Composition and Bylaws are listed in the drop-downs to the right.
  • In an effort to expand community alliances, the Board can meet with the other constituencies to discuss overlapping concerns and to contribute any information regarding the campus community.
  • The Board meets regularly during the academic year and other times as needed.
  • To submit a public safety issue or concern to the board, email or contact the Police Advisory Board directly at

Board Composition
